Archive | June, 2011

Everything Is Possible

29 Jun

This past week our family celebrated 11 years since our aliyah to Israel.

And every one of us is as proud as can be to call ourselves Israeli.

For example, have you heard about Better Place? The Electric Car?

“By the end of this year, the solution you see here will be visible across the country – giving drivers the freedom to drive zero emission, zero oil cars with the same convenience they enjoy today”, said Shai Agassi, Founder and CEO of Better Place. “This model, will serve as a template for countries around the world to replicate as they march down the path towards oil independence.”

It’s happening is Israel.

Did you hear that the State of Israel just announced that its unemployment rate has hit an all time low of 5.8%. That’s better than 44 of the 50 states of the U.S.A.

The economy is booming here in Israel.

In Israel, it sometimes feels like everything is possible.

And, for the handicapped employees at this Israel call center, the dream of contributing to society and being valued is coming true….yes, it’s happening here in Israel and NO WHERE ELSE in the world.

Now, that oughta make any Jew proud to call Israel home.

Want to help Israel keep doing these great things…A friend of ours has launched a web site called I Shop for Israel.

If you shop, and you love Israel, you will love this site.